We Can Help!
- Basic Mower Maintenance
- Lock Rekeying
- Key Cutting
- Blade Sharpening
- Chain Sharpening
- Pipe Cutting and Threading
- Handle Replacement
- Cut-to-Size Glass & Plexiglass
- Window Glazing
- Screen and Glass Installation
- Lamp Repair
- Tool Sharpening
- Custom Paint Tinting
- Computer Paint Matching
- Lumber Cut to Size
- Propane Tank Exchange
- Sodastream CO2 Cartridge Exchange
- Knife Sharpening Service
General Labor Rate
$65.00 per hour ($1.08 per minute)
General labor rate applies to small engine and equipment repairs, lamp repairs and all other shop activities. Labor rate does not include materials. Estimates are made in good faith and are not legally binding, as unforeseen problems may arise once work begins.
$5.00 Sharpen mower blade.
$15.00 Remove, Sharpen, and Replace mower blade.
$8.00 Sharpen chain saw chain.
$15.00 Remove, Sharpen, and Replace chain saw chain.
Lock Rekeying
$5.00 per lock for new locks purchased here.
$8.00 per lock used or new brought into store.
Lumber Cutting
$0.50 per straight cut. One free cut with each board purchased.
$1.00 per angled cut or precision cuts.
Sheet Good Cutting
$1.00 per straight cross cut for plywood and peg board 24″ or less only.
$5.00 per cut for lumber not purchased here.
$3.00 per cut for special cuts and irregular materials. We do not cut ACQ lumber.
Tool Handle Replacement
$35.00 to remove and replace short tool handles (plus materials.)
$45.00 to remove and replace long tool handles (plus materials.)
Pipe Threading
$3.00 to Cut and Thread One Pipe End
$5.00 to Cut and Thread Pipe NOT PURCHASED HERE
Screen Replacement
$12.00 per aluminum window (plus materials.)
$18.00 per wooden window (plus materials.)
$20.00 per aluminum window 48”or larger or a door (plus materials.)
$25.00 per wooden window 48”or larger or a door (plus materials.)
$25.00 per window to build custom screen frame (plus materials.)
Glass Replacement
$8.00 per window (plus materials.)
$16.00 per 48”or larger or a door (plus materials.)
$24.00 per pane* for glazing and installation (plus materials.)
*Multiple small pane glazing and installation jobs may be less per pane.
*Additional $10 glass removal fee for glass held in place with silicone
Mower Maintenance
$60.00 for general push mower maintenance (plus materials)
Includes blade removal and sharpening, gas, oil, spark plug and filter check, cleaning mower deck, rinsing off
mower. We will drain gas, change oil, and replace spark plug and/or air filter if deemed necessary. Materials
and parts are not included.
$45.00 for electric/battery push mower maintenance (plus materials)
Includes blade removal and sharpening, lubricating wheels, checking and tightening bolts and fasteners,
blowing out compartments, vents, and motor, cleaning mower deck, rinsing off mower. Materials and parts
are not included.